Friday, April 27, 2012



The home science experts of the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU)

called upon the farm women and the home makers to pay attention to the

household management and diet and health care of the children as well

as family members. Providing tips for the storage of clothes, Dr

Harinder Saggu emphasized that clothes should be completely dry before

storage in order to avoid moths and mildew. She said "Fresh stains can

be removed by washing and drying in the sun. If not removed, scrub it

with half-cut lemon with salt on it and finally wash it. Clothes that

can be washed frequently may be aired and shaken/brushed before being

put away. Use plastic coated hangers for storing woolen or silk

suits." Dr Saggu advised the home makers to use natural ingredients

such as camphor cakes, dried red chilies, neem leaves and cloves for

storing clothes instead of naphthalene balls/cakes. The leather

garments and shoes should be dried and wiped off with a clean dry

cloth before storage, she stressed.

The home scientist Dr Surinderjit Kaur asked the home makers to use

kerosene oil, phenyl or edible salt with water for mopping floors to

get rid of cockroaches, flies and other insects. Besides, pour a jug

full of boiled water and a cup of kerosene oil in all the drains in

house at least once a week at night. She suggested cleaning wire mesh

doors using old shoe polish brush or brush with iron bristles.

Cleaning these with kerosene is also good as it not only removes

sticky dust from screens but also keeps away mosquitoes/flies from

sitting on them, added Dr Kaur.

Laying thrust on diet and health care, Dr Kirti Grover said that the

brighter, deeper colored fruits and vegetables contain higher

concentration of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and different

colours provide different benefits. She advised the general public to

drink plenty of water and avoid unhealthy fats including red meat,

processed and fried foods and hydrogenated vegetable oils. Dr Grover

stressed, "Add calcium rich foods like dairy products and green leafy

vegetables and get enough sunshine to secure vitamin D for strong

bones. Limit sugar, salt and refined grains in the diet."

Emphasizing on the care of children, Dr Sukhminder Kaur said that

there is a need to pay due attention to the health of children. She

impressed upon the parents to get their children immunized at a proper

age to protect them against diseases since viral and typhoid fever are

quite common in the changing weather.
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