Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Libyans mark feast without Gaddafi, but war not over

TRIPOLI/BENGHAZI,Wed Aug 31, 2011(Tehelkanews)

(Reuters) - Libyans delighted at Muammar Gaddafi\'s downfall celebrated the end of Ramadan feast on Wednesday, even though the ousted leader remains on the run and forces loyal to him are defying an ultimatum set by Libya\'s interim council.In the capital\'s newly renamed Martyrs\' Square, hundreds of people gathered for morning prayers to celebrate the Eid al-Fitr holiday that marks the end of the Muslim fasting month.\"It is the most beautiful prayers. We are filled with joy, Gaddafi made us hate our lives ... We come here to express our joy at the end of 42 years of repression and deprivation,\" said Hatem Gureish, 31, a merchant from Tripoli.

\"This is the most beautiful Eid and most beautiful day in42years,hesaid.Council leaders, trying to heal scars left by Gaddafi\'s 42-year rule, may want United Nations help in setting up a new police force, but see no role for international peacekeepers or observers, a U.N. official said.\"They are very seriously interested in assistance with policing to get thepublisecuritsituationundercontrol and gradually develop a democratically accountable public security force,\" Ian Martin, special U.N. envoy for post-conflict planning in Libya, said at the United Nations in New York.

\"We don\'t now expect military observers to be requested,\" he said. \"It\'s very clear that the Libyans want to avoid any kind of military deployment of the U.N. or others.\"Libyans who revolted against Gaddafi in February needed NATO air power to help them win, but, given their country\'s unhappy colonial history, they remain wary of foreign meddling.

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