Tuesday, July 26, 2011



Green-leafy vegetables are naturally packed with vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are vital for health. To acquire all-round health benefits, one must include greens in the daily diet and say goodbye to the munching of French fries, burgers, pizzas, etc., expressed PAU scientists of the Department of Food and Nutirtion. Calling upon the farmers, farm women, rural youth and the public at large, the scientists told that uncommon green leafy vegetables such as drumstick, amaranth and beet leaves contain unique components which are beneficial for health. Highlighting that greens are a rich source of potassium and magnesium as they regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, the home scientists added that leafy vegetables are ideal for weight management for being low in calories and rich in vitamins, minerals and bio-active compounds.

Equipping the farming community and the general masses with the useful knowledge about drumstick leaves (Suanjana), PAU scientist Dr Shalini Kushwaha, said that these leaves can be eaten fresh, cooked, or stored as dried powder for many months without refrigeration. Where starvation is prevalent, consuming the drumstick leaf powder can be life-saving. "Drumstick leaves contain more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more vitamin C than oranges and more potassium than bananas," told Dr Kushwaha, adding that the leaves can be used as a wonderful tonic for infants, growing kids and teens to promote strong and healthy bones and for purifying the bloodstream. It is also beneficial for pregnant women as it can help them overcome sluggishness of the uterus, ease delivery and reduces post-delivery complications.

Referring to amaranth leaves (Chulai), another scientist Dr Paramjit Chawla said that the regular use of these leaves in food items prevents the deficiency of vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, calcium, iron and potassium. Protecting against several disorders such as defective vision, respiratory infections, recurrent colds, retarded growth and functional sterility, Dr Chawla highlighted that regular use of amaranth during pregnancy and lactation is highly beneficial. One cup of fresh juice of amaranth mixed with honey and a pinch of cardamom powder should be taken during the entire period of pregnancy, advised he scientist. It will help the normal growth of the baby, prevent the loss of calcium and iron from the body, relax the uterine ligaments and facilitate easy delivery without much pain.

Providing useful information about beet leaves (Chukandar), the scientist Dr Uttara Singh, told, "The leaves are bitter to taste but rich in chlorophyll, protein, calcium, magnesium, copper, sodium, fiber, beta carotene and vitamins A, B and C." Having more nutritional value than their roots and higher content of iron than spinach, beet greens have been found to contain large amounts of vitamin K which is an important element that aids in blood clotting. Dr Singh said that vitamin A is also found in beet greens and one of its health benefits is the maintenance of good vision.

The PAU home scientists also highlighted that greens containing beta carotene (vitamin A), lutein and zeaxanthin, strengthen the immune system and prevent degenerative eye diseases like cataract. Telling that greens contain folate, which plays an important role in the repair of damaged cells, the scientist added that vegetables like cabbage and broccoli protect against colon cancer for they are rich in indoles and isothiocyanates. Dark leafy vegetables are a rich source of vitamin C, K, E and B complex, as well as minerals like iron, calcium and fiber. The scientists disclosed, "Studies have shown that vitamin K plays a key role in preventing osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes and atherosclerosis. Vitamin E has been shown to prevent skin cancer."

They advised everyone that in view of the health benefits associated with green leafy vegetables, one must eat dishes made from spinach, lettuce or turnip greens.
News From: http://www.7StarNews.com


Deborah Ginder said...


Kelly Ramos said...

Their expertise lies in turning vague ideas and concepts this link something functional and great without much hand-holding.

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