Friday, January 29, 2010

Chronic Sinusitis Patients would feel relief with minimally invasive surgery

Those patients who have been suffering from chronic sinusitis (persistent and recurrent inflammation in the nasal passages) would be feeling a sigh of relief with the use of a minimal invasive surgical procedure. This procedure would help in improving the quality of life of those patients. This has come out in a new study conducted by Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), headed by Dr. Timothy L. Smith.

A total of 302 patients with chronic sinusitis were included in the study, which was carried out between July 2004 and December 2008. The follow up study for the patients was done 18 months after the surgery. The result was that up to 76 percent of the participants showed an improvedquality of life with reduced pain and improved ability to function socially. .

Speaking about the study Dr Smith said the research showed how minimally invasive surgery could significantly help those affected by sinusitis live a better life.

Chronic sinusitis causes chronic congestion and drainage, along with other debilitating symptoms such as headaches, pain, sneezing, and pressure in the respiratory system.

The study would be significantly helpful in the treatment of the problem of chronic sinusitis and would certainly improve the quality of life of the patients after the surgery.
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1 comment:

GDC said...

Great to see actual data coming out. I know that balloon sinuplasty is being used more and has good notices, but I'm still looking for a similar study to be done.
Thanks again for posting.

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